How To Clean A Whiteboard Without Whiteboard Cleaner
How to Clean a Whiteboard
Here's how to clean a whiteboard so its dry erase surface is cleared of all marker residue:
Use a common microfiber cloth to clean a dry erase surface. Microfiber cloths, which are available from EVERWhite and elsewhere, are better than other cloths at removing dry erase marker ink from a whiteboard. Wash the microfiber cloth after several uses, or at least rinse it well under running water. You can use a whiteboard eraser to clean the surface, but make sure there are no sharp edges on the eraser or no sharp filaments in it.
Use water or common household glass cleaners. No harsh cleaners are required to remove marker ink from an EVERWhite board surface. Never use cleaners with abrasives. Can you use Windex® to clean a dry erase board? Yes, products such as Windex® are recommended for cleaning a whiteboard. Never use scouring pads or abrasive cleaners, as those can ruin the dry erase surface and allow ink penetration. On melamine or other types of dry erase surfaces, cleaning chemicals might be needed.
How to Remove Permanent Marker Ink from a Dry Erase Whiteboard
If someone inadvertently uses a regular, permanent marker such as a Sharpie® on a dry erase whiteboard, it is often possible to remove the permanent marker ink. To do so, trace over the permanent marker ink with a dry erase marker. Then, wipe the board with a microfiber cloth, spray with Windex® or similar mild window cleaner, and wipe the surface again.
If a stain from a regular marker persists, call EVERWhite at 800-335-7319 for advice on your specific situation.
How to Remove Tape or Sticker Adhesive
To remove adhesive from tape or stickers on an EVERWhite whiteboard, use a common adhesive remove such as GooGone® and a soft cloth. Never use plastic or metal scouring pads, abrasives, or scraping tools – all which can damage the surface, thus allowing ink to penetrate it.
Read how the always-white EVERWhite dry erase surface stands above other whiteboard surfaces, making EVERWhite the best choice for those who want less maintenance, an always-white surface, and less frustration in making a professional presentation or class lesson.
SHOP NOW! See our selection of aluminum-framed and wood-framed wall-mounted boards and mobile whiteboards with a dry erase surface that is guaranteed not to stain or ghost!
Also See:
- Best Mounting Height for Whiteboards
- Whiteboard Installation Guides
- Standard Aluminum and Wood Framed Whiteboards
How To Clean A Whiteboard Without Whiteboard Cleaner
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